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Copenhagen Dark History Walk
The gates to the dark history of Copenhagen will open once again. On this walking tour, we will take a journey back in time to some of the most dramatic, tragic, and dark events in the History of Danish Capitals. In the company of our historian Rune Edberg, we will visit the central locations in the old medieval part of the city center. From Swedish besiege and British bombardments to witch burnings and executions. Copenhagen was a much smaller City than today, enclosed and claustrophobic behind high city walls and with sparse and primitive sanitary conditions which became a threat to its inhabitants, when the Plague- Epidemic hit in 1711, killing one-third of Copenhagen's inhabitants. The Dark part of the history of Copenhagen includes poverty and poor housing which played its part in the bad living conditions of the majority of the population. Other dramatic stories and events told on this tour include the Cholera epidemic of 1853 and the city fires of 1728 and 1795, which have played a central part in shaping the current look and architecture of Copenhagen's City Centre. We will also pass by some of the Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard's old addresses and the place, where the world-famous Danish Brewery Carlsberg was founded.
DKK 199/ Person
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Fra tragedie til turisme - Et foredrag om Dark Tourism
I dette foredrag fortæller historikeren Rune Edberg om fænomenet Dark Tourism. Han vil komme ind på historien bag og definitionen af Dark Tourism, etiske bekymringer, motivationer, typer af Dark Tourism, specifikke eksempler i København og uden for Danmark, stedshåndtering og fremtiden for Dark Tourism. Deltagerne vil få en dybere forståelse af denne unikke form for rejse, herunder de psykologiske og følelsesmæssige årsager bag den og vigtigheden af ansvarlige turismepraksis. Generelt drejer det sig om besøg på slagmarker, koncentrationslejre eller byvandringer med dramatiske eller tragiske temaer. Undervejs vil der blive vist både danske og internationale eksempler på steder, der falder ind under kategorien Dark Tourism. Der vil være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål undervejs. Om foredragsholderen Rune selv står for byvandringer i København, der tager udgangspunkt i byens dunkle fortid. Disse inkluderer ture som "I fodsporerne på Flammen og Citronen" og "I fodsporene på de dødes København". Han har også været medproducer på lydvandringen "Slavernes København" i samarbejde med museumsappen Useeum og Sans1. I 2021 var han den første danske historiker, der blev interviewet i den britiske podcast Warfare, hvor han talte om den danske modstandsbevægelse. Samme år medvirkede han også i dokumentarfilmen "Hitlers Atlantic Wall" på streamingtjenesten History Hit. Foredraget kan bookes til virksomheder og foreninger.
FromDKK 0/ guest
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WW2 and Copenhagen Walking Tour
Embark on a journey back to the 1940s, when the Danish Capital was occupied by Nazi-German forces. Join us on this expertly guided walking tour as we explore the City district of Vesterbro and the City Centre of Copenhagen. Accompanied by our historian, Rune Edberg, who specializes in the Second World War and the German Occupation of Denmark 1940-1945. Rune's expertise in the subject matter is showcased by being the first Danish historian to be interviewed on James Rodgers Warfare Podcast > https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-danish-resistance/id1526490428?i=1000513894527, As well as participating in History Hits documentary film "In defence of the Reich: Hitler's Atlantic Wall" > https://access.historyhit.com/videos/atlantic-wall On Our walking tour, You will have the opportunity to visit some of the central places of the Danish freedom struggle during the Second World War. During the tour, we will visit several significant locations from the war including the site of the former Gestapo Headquarters, the location of the founding of the Danish Resistance Movement Holger Danske, and the former German Headquarters in Denmark near Copenhagen City Hall. Additionally, we will stop at some of Copenhagen’s most central locations and sites from the Second World War. One of the sites we will visit is the former Gestapo Headquarters at Shellhuset, where we will hear the story of the British Bombing of the Building on the 21st of March 1945 and its consequences. Join us on this unforgettable tour and gain a deeper understanding of Denmark's wartime history.
DKK 199/ Person
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About Copentell
Copentell is a Danish tour company that offers guided city walks in Copenhagen, as well as publishes podcasts and videos about culture and history.